Great Link
A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.
Here is a list of some items that really get me going in a good way. If you can figure out what all of this stuff is, then we must be in the same business.
A couple of things are on my mind (insert your biting and deprecating comment on that here). I'm going to get this one out of the way first. If you are faint of heart or have a thing against hairy men, skip to the next paragraph. For those of you who are still here, and I'm only assuming it is guys and gorillas, thank you. You know the painful feeling you get when your hair has been stuck in one spot for a really long time and then you move it in the other direction? To me that feeling is never worse than when it is the hair on your feet. Did you hear the rushing sound as everybody except you went down to the next paragraph? Every once in a while I get that feeling on my legs, but the feet really take the cake (isn't that a nice visual).
Something just made me laugh. For those of you who are not blogging, when you post something to your blog, it does it in html and it republishes the website each time there is a new post or edit. When you go to publish, you get the message of:
Two of them today. Bonus points if you can use them together.
I got a terrible piece of mail yesterday. It was a letter from my Alma Mater, so I naturally assumed it was asking for money. When I opened it up, I found the horrific news that Dr. David Nott had passed away. For those of you who do not know, Dr. Nott was the Professor at Illinois Wesleyan University who first taught the operatic impresario Dawn Upshaw to sing. His own voice was an extremely low bass that put Barry White to shame, but still had the capacity to reach some great falsetto. He was also a greatly fun and funny man who made music wonderful. I haven't had the chance to get a link to any article on him, but as soon as I do it will be up. Today I am wearing my IWU shirt in memoriam. I was going to where my choir shirt with his caricature on it, but it doesn't fit. Please join me in remembering a great musical talent and a great person.
Help me to help me to help you help me help you. As you can see by the low number of entries and lack of detail in the layout that I am new at this. I need your expert eyes and creeative juices to make this place sparkle, or at least twinkle. Any hints, tips, eloquently and gently put constructive criticism?
Really now, in order to attrct more people to read my blog, I decided to suc-cum (tee hee, I said a dirty word) to the seedy, dirty underbelly of the internet and post some links to "questionable" material here for you.
I'm sure that anyone who would be reading this has had similar experiences to the frustration I am going through today. You would think that being able to read would be a prerequisite for holding a job nowadays. Unfortunately there are some people out there who have been able to fool hiring managers by seeming just capable enough. The kind of people that remind you of The Simpsons' Comic Book Guy, but without the innate nerd ability to remember minute details. Someone just above the state of Mongoloid, but only in appearance. You might think that these are the people you read about who have shot themselves in the head with some sort of pneumatic tool but have yet to realize it, but no foreign object exists in the grey matter, which by the lack of activity is most likely black. Can someone please pass along some more insults? I am at a lack of words on how to express someone's complete idiocy/ignorance/cattle like intelligence. I am sorry to my bovine readers to have lumped this person in with you, but I must.
The best invention in the history of computers? Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller...The backspace button. Come on. How many of us actually remember the time before an instant and untraceable deletion. Little word processors had their daisy wheels and erasing ribbon. Even the fancy typewriters had the ability to erase. Before that you had your nubby typing eraser with the little broom top. Why is this one little key so deserving of praise? For one thing, I have used it about twenty times so far just trying to type this little bit; the wrong case here, a misplaced exclamation point there! The backspace key can make you appear smarter and more agile on the keyboard. Clearly I am not the only one to recognize the importance of my little friend. Have you noticed that on a regular sized keyboard, how the tab, caps lock and shift keys are layered in steps based on size, but the backspace has a prominent position and size at the top corner. It is not relegated to the top as your F1-F12 keys are, it does not get thrown willy nilly around the keyboard as your insert, end or pageup/down keys are (the homeless of the keyboard). The backspace floats atop the sea of most used keys in a quite superior fashion. Rightfully so. I sing your praises little man. Today is your day, for you make my day better.