A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Story of Sellers

I can't help it, but whenever I go to ebay and search for items, I inevitably end up taking a long time reading all of the feedback and seeing what items were bought or sold. It's kind of like trying to clean a house for someone you don't know. You find all this stuff laying around the place and form your own little psychological profile of the person. It's funny to see the history of people going through a divorce/break-up because you can see the items belonging to the ex that get sold and the bitter descriptions of those items. ebay item descriptions are really another form of blog in that respect.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

1 more day 1 less dollar

-----This post has been edited for content-----

*bleep**bleep**bleep*. *bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep**bleep*
*bleep*. *bleep*. *bleep*. *bleep*!

Help and encouragement

If anybody has some good tips on making this an interesting Blog, regarding both content and visual style, let me know.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Today I welcome myself to the world of Blog. After spending the past six years in an environment with a severe computer use issue, I have arrived in a computing Utopia. I am free to do whatever I want (short of porn) with my time, as long as productivity does not suffer. I am a printer, and seeing how my machine has not had anything to do for a full week, there has not been any productivity to suffer.

If you are reading this then "Welcome" to you as well. In the future I hope to have far more insightful, or at least interesting things to post, but I have to start occupying my time somehow.