A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Case & point(s)

The best invention in the history of computers? Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller...The backspace button. Come on. How many of us actually remember the time before an instant and untraceable deletion. Little word processors had their daisy wheels and erasing ribbon. Even the fancy typewriters had the ability to erase. Before that you had your nubby typing eraser with the little broom top. Why is this one little key so deserving of praise? For one thing, I have used it about twenty times so far just trying to type this little bit; the wrong case here, a misplaced exclamation point there! The backspace key can make you appear smarter and more agile on the keyboard. Clearly I am not the only one to recognize the importance of my little friend. Have you noticed that on a regular sized keyboard, how the tab, caps lock and shift keys are layered in steps based on size, but the backspace has a prominent position and size at the top corner. It is not relegated to the top as your F1-F12 keys are, it does not get thrown willy nilly around the keyboard as your insert, end or pageup/down keys are (the homeless of the keyboard). The backspace floats atop the sea of most used keys in a quite superior fashion. Rightfully so. I sing your praises little man. Today is your day, for you make my day better.