A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's not like it's a Corvette...

I was working part of the morning in a different building. They have different equipment. I was sitting there geeking out over the toys they had that we don't. Just little things that were making me feel funny inside, kinda like when you climbed the rope in gym class. There were two newer machines that were all fine and new, but there was one old machine. Most likely older than I was, but it was big, and beautiful. It had what the Antiques folks would call "patina" it probably even has some spectacular "provence." Here's what it does; it folds paper. But it was glorious.

Now I have to find a way to sneak a one ton machine out with nobody noticing.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Guilty as charged

There is a fantastic concert that's going to be happening that is a mix between actual talent and booty value. How's this lineup... Pussycat Dolls opening up for Christina Aguilera. You like? I like. I'd love to see both of them live. Too bad the closest venue is something like 250 miles away.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

God bless the young'uns

There is a younger fella who works here in the office while he finishes a degree. He's a junior with no major, 20 years old. We were having a discussion about North Korea, nuclear weapons and unsecured ports. (I nearly typed insecure ports, but that would be a port with a problem) So the ex-military boss was talking about an attack, the young'un was sure we would be safe because "you can't shoot missiles from underwater."

Someone please find me intelligent kids in college, I need to be reaffirmed.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

just a thought

time to reboot

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Self-acknowledged idiocy

I know I'm a moron when it comes to the opposite sex. That is a flag that I wave knowingly and, well not proudly but at least with confidence. I gladly learn as things come up, but I think I'm still on the underside as far as da wimmens go. One line I need to locate is where is someone being "nice", "persistent", and then just "creepy". I try to stay pretty far away from creepy. Because, well, that's just creepy and I don't want to be that guy.

But here's the thing that I always wondered about from the movies. There's always the guy that goes all out trying to get the girl. They race cars and break into rooms and act like nuts, but in the romantic comedy land that evrybody looks at the guy gets the girl. In a more realistic setting, wouldn't the girl and her friends just be talking about how nuts the guy was and to stay far far away from him? John Cusack in "Say Anything", if she didn't like it, him standing with the radio over his head would have the cops called on him for trespassing or something.

So I want to learn about life, but movies aren't really giving me the lessons needed.


Friday, November 03, 2006

THAT'S JUST DRUNK TALK! Sweeeet beautiful drunk talk

I must admit that I am not a drinker. Overall, I say "yay for me." However i do feel I'm missing something. Well, a few things, but one is plaguing me the most at the moment. There is a sense of community that surrounds drinking. Although this generally seems to dissipate with age as people realize they don't need to lose their mind so often. But that's not what's getting me right now. Not having too much, really any, experience in the dealings of tipsy-hood and drunkenness, I don't know when to believe what people are saying or how much to believe what they're saying. I've got a really good friend. I've known her for a long time and she kept me afloat in especially rough times of life. However with both of our schedules we don't get to talk much. Lives in different parts of the country make finding a time a bit difficult, as well as various family responsibilitites. So we have chatted online a few times in the past months and it's comforting to have a girl to talk to, especially in these times in my life. I miss my friends and locally there's just not much, so having this attachment means even more. SO when she says "we're going to talk more," after her three glasses of wine at home, how am I supposed to take that. The optimistic part of me takes it at face value. Or should I replace optimistic with foolish. The more realistic part of me skulks away and knows it wil never happen. Having your good friends, even at a distance is a wonderful thing, not know when they will be there for you isn't. The part of me wearing his big boy pants knows that I shouldn't rely on such a connection to aid in my mental health... but... I got nothin. So I sit and ponder the intricacies of drunk talk, sweeeet beautiful drunk talk, and wonder when I'll really talk to them again.

Here's an apt quote from Shawshank Redemption... "Sometimes it makes me sad, though, [them] being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice, but still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend."

Any ideas? Eh, I'll probably end up coming back and deleting the post anyway. I hate to read myself whining.