A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Self-acknowledged idiocy

I know I'm a moron when it comes to the opposite sex. That is a flag that I wave knowingly and, well not proudly but at least with confidence. I gladly learn as things come up, but I think I'm still on the underside as far as da wimmens go. One line I need to locate is where is someone being "nice", "persistent", and then just "creepy". I try to stay pretty far away from creepy. Because, well, that's just creepy and I don't want to be that guy.

But here's the thing that I always wondered about from the movies. There's always the guy that goes all out trying to get the girl. They race cars and break into rooms and act like nuts, but in the romantic comedy land that evrybody looks at the guy gets the girl. In a more realistic setting, wouldn't the girl and her friends just be talking about how nuts the guy was and to stay far far away from him? John Cusack in "Say Anything", if she didn't like it, him standing with the radio over his head would have the cops called on him for trespassing or something.

So I want to learn about life, but movies aren't really giving me the lessons needed.
