Word of the Day - Use it in a sentence
A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.
This is a call for anybody and everybody to go all free form and comment your butt off using any of these lines as inspiration, or any of your own.
It is my apologies to all of you, my humble blog reader, that my posts have been few and far between these past week. No horrible, or welcome illness or dismemberment has befallen me. ALTHOUGH, I do still have that nasty ass cold that I have now had for 6 weeks or so. WTF! Good news on the ME front. I have found new gainful employment for more money and more personal satisfaction than my previous litterbox of a job. I would offer more details of the actual job, but most of you would most likely scoff and mock, and since I am too busy being happy i will not let you rain upon my parade.