A Neo-something-ist view of the world as seen through the eyes of a shirtless man. An underdeveloped work of highly biased fact leaning towards fiction. My faction blog.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Old, fat and Phlegmish

Pop Quiz!
Name the color of the crap I've been coughing up for the past month.

I feel like an old man with liverspots and gout with the way I've been hacking for a month now. It started as a nasty cold, and is now an annoying cough, with a bit of gunk thrown in for extra measure. How sexy must this be at work:

*ring ring* *ring ring*
--tim picks up the phone--
Thank you for...hack cough snort growl hack spit cough up a gopher... calling. How can I help you?
--tim hangs up the phone--

I think I'm winning over customers right and left with this cold. Who doesn't want to be near a dying walrus? I've been trying to cough up the rainbow of fruit flavors. I think so far I have managed ROYGB and am only missing IV. I must be awesome for people on acid to watch, what with all the wretching and colors I'm better than seeing Floyd.
Now go have dinner.